the other ARTISTS

“The Other Artists” is a chance to share beautiful designs from anyone, anywhere. Share your favorites in the comments, or email them to me to be featured in a future edition of “The Other Artists.”

I love finding the other artists. They’re everywhere. In the woman weaving a blanket outside her home on a cobbled Peruvian road; in the graffiti mural on a tattered wall in Berlin; in a picturesque hill town of Italy littered with painters and sculptors longing to get away and create. They are close to home, too. Today I found one just a few hours away, at an Airstream trailer-turned-coffee-shop in Duck Creek, Utah.

Aspen Air’spresso served me one of the top 5 best cups of coffee I’ve had in my life (oh yes, I rank them), but that logo…I would have enjoyed anything they served me in a cup stamped with that logo. Clever, succinct, authentically vintage, and downright charming. Their brand pulled me in as much as did their out of the ordinary venue.

The other artists are everywhere, and running in to them at unexpected times and places – or running in to the evidence of them – is a treat. We can learn from and inspire each other without ever actually crossing paths, and who knows – maybe some talented unknown designer will lure you in to the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had.

DesignJulie Meyer