Posts in Design
Color codes explained

Do you have standard brand colors that are a mish-mash of meaningless numbers? Is there an obscure name tied to the approved shades? As printers and designers ask for your spot colors, PMS, Pantone, web-safe, etc. colors, you might feel a little lost. Here’s a quick breakdown of what they are, and how each is used:

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DesignJulie Meyer
A New Look

Should I update my logo? Should we go for a new look?

Your logo should be current, but also timeless – two characteristics that sound a bit contradictory. So how do you get there?

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Marketing, DesignJulie Meyer
the other ARTISTS

“The Other Artists” is a chance to share beautiful designs from anyone, anywhere. Share your favorites in the comments, or email them to me to be featured in a future edition of “The Other Artists.”

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DesignJulie Meyer
BREAK the rules

By all means break the rules, and break them beautifully, deliberately and well. That is one of the ends for which they exist. - Robert Bringhurst

My favorite quote, from my favorite author and artist…

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DesignJulie Meyer
the WEB design process

Everybody has one (even some peoples’ pets even have one). A website is an essential tool for business, but the creation and maintenance can seem like a mammoth task. In reality, it’s not so bad. Here’s a step-by-step guide of how we tackle web design projects.

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Design, WebJulie Meyer
the PRINT design process

The design process can be intimidating. To take an abstract idea that exists only in your mind, and ask someone else to make it in to something tangible – something that has to do a specific job, fit a specific style, and appeal to a wide audience – leaves a lot of people bewildered. Your designer’s job is to take that feeling away.

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DesignJulie Meyer